Lapsed Rider Nervous to Get Back in the Saddle

About Nichola Freer

Nichola loves horses and was an avid horse rider from the age of 5 with some 35 years experience.  Sadly she had not ridden a horse for at least 15 years and was naturally a little nervous at getting on a horse again after such a long time. Nichola held the view that all those years’ experience count for nothing when you have been out of the saddle for long, especially when riding a completely different style!


Nichola's Challenge

Overcoming nerves and building Nichola’s confidence in herself on a horse was the primary challenge.  However, our team here at Sovereign have every confidence in the temperament and nature of our horses and were very sure Nichola would soon feel comfortable with riding once again.

Discovering Sovereign Quarter Horses

Nichola’s husband was a member of the same weekly business networking group as our Sarah Deptford.  Each week Sarah shared details about Sovereign Quarter Horses and the Western Experience Day featured frequently.  Knowing Nichola had a real passion for horses and missed riding, her husband bought a Western Experience Day voucher for her birthday.  He hoped his gift would encourage her to take that first step.


The Result

The Sovereign team gave Nichola and the other participants a demonstration of Western riding and then matched the riders up with their horses for the day.  We kept everything relaxed for Nichola and her fellow riders, allowing them to push themselves as much or as little as they wanted to. At the same time, we were available to offer helpful pointers and encouragement.


What Next?

Following the Western Experience Day, Nichola is free to participate in weekly, fortnightly or monthly riding lessons (at £60 per lesson) to keep her on track.  Some riders return monthly but others choose to come more regularly but we would not advise more often than weekly lessons.


If Nichola, or any of the other riders, plan to own their own horse in the future then we recommend they attend lessons as regularly as possible.  We urge them to avoid big gaps to ensure good progression.  The Sovereign team would train the riders to competition level starting with the very friendly All Breed Shows.


Having spent some time coaching any new rider the Sovereign team learns the strengths and weaknesses of each rider and can match them with one of our home bred quarter horses which are for sale.



After the Western Day Nichola said:


“Although I had initially been nervous, I needn’t have worried. All of the horses were impeccable and were a pleasure to ride.


David, Sarah and Olivia were great and made sure the riding was relaxed and allowed us to do what we felt comfortable with. They were all at hand giving some great tips, coaching and praise.


The day was very well organised and started off with tea, coffee and pastries and a chat about what to expect during the day.”


The overall day was fun-packed and the riding was broken up with great food, a lassoing lesson and even a walk over to see the new foals!


In my opinion, the Western Experience Day offers great value for money and I would recommend it to anyone who wants a fun day out. Liking horses is a must, but you don’t need to know how to ride as the day caters for all levels. “

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